Monday, June 19, 2006

I'm not dead yet, I promise!

WOW. It has surely been a long time since I have blogged. I don't even want to check the date - it will discourage me. Things have been a happening here in our household.

FIRST, we were slated to head to Hawaii for a summer ministry opportunity...but then we found out that I need to get my gall bladder yanked out. So much for the tropics. My surgery is on June 26. Wahoo.

Next, our friends, Joe and Jessica, moved in to our basement, unfinished though it is. They are such great folks to have around. They help out with house stuff, Robert works with Joe, and Jess and I gab away. They were supposed to house sit for us while we were away....but we are still here. They are just hanging out in that being-worked-on basement and enjoying the coolness of an underground cave - literally.

We had a really fun outing to the coast for Joe's and my birthday. The pictures you see are from that fun weekend. I think the best part, hands down, were the beach bikes! The guys created a sand ramp and we all had fun jumping off of it. Okay, I only went off once but it was FUN! Yee haw! SO, the text on this one is short but
the pictures should be fun to look at.

Something spiritual for the road: It all comes down to obedience. WHAT? Yep. Think of any and all situations in life, add God, and your sum will be obedience. Please comment. More about that next blog!!


I had my surgery, I am alive, and I'm puttering around the house. I can't seem to get more pics on this blog so Robert will have to help me figure that out. YAY.

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