Monday, July 10, 2006

Two more sepia toned pics...

So, folks, here are two more of the sepia toned pictures I took at the B&B.

This is a picture of some old suitcases and a train case that sit on top of the antique armoire in our room. It's such a cute vignette that I had to capture it. I admire the set up each time we are there. Now I can enjoy it anytime!

The people who own the B&B travel all over the world and send back their finds to use in the hotel/inn. There is a giant gorgeous mirror in one of the rooms that came from France and a rug from somewhere in Persia. The old patina of much of the furniture makes for such a warm and inviting experience. It spoils us for everywhere else I'm afraid!

This last picture for this post is my all-time favorite. Like the other sepia toned pictures it took me a few tries to get it right. By the way, I did NOT color or edit the pictures in any way. I kept trying to get this effect but the automatic flash would go off and obliterate the warm light. After reading the manual (I know, how awful) I figured out which setting the camera needed to be on to create a slower shutter speed and capture that warm light without using the flash. Very cool. Okay, enjoy my favorite!

1 comment:

Cherie said...

These photos are GORGEOUS, Karen! You and your camera make a good team. Thanks for sharing! Hope you are feeling better after your surgery. Love you!