Saturday, August 05, 2006


So, many of you know that Bob and I went on a nice little vacation to Eastern Washington. It was LOVELY! We visited his parents first and then had some time with mine. I was also able to see Betsy and Danny and Aaron before they went back to Singapore. What fun! Aaron is a hoot. He has tons of personality and is pretty strong-willed. Sorry, Betsy, he's not like you. He's probably more like me. Danny, you are more easy going, so again, not like you either. And yet he is SO LIKE BOTH OF YOU!! The best parts of both of you reside in him. YAY for the Whittakers! LOVE YOU GUYS!

SO...what else? Um... Robert and I are battling our upstairs toilet, which is a joy. We are also at war with our water system. I think we might be winning...then again, maybe not. It's all part of owning and old house, which we love, but it's much more exciting than a new one. Although, I hear the new kit houses they put together are also interesting. We heard about one that was built around a cat, or a cat was built into the house. I can't remember which way it goes. Anyway, the owners heard the cat in the walls and when they removed it 'sources say' it had been in there for three weeks. I find that hard to believe, unless it had access to a water main. And we are back to battling the water in our house! tee hee hee - I'm a little, no a lot, crazy tonight. Sorry folks, this is how it is sometimes.

Okay, so Kris and Heather Butcher also have an adorable kid, Hannah. What is it with people I know popping out cute kids? I don't even like kids. Well, maybe that's not entirely true. I do teach over 600 of them, so I have to like them a little. Perhaps I'm getting older and more tolerant and/or just more oblivious to the annoyances of kidlets. It's fun to hang with other people's children. Pump them full of sugar and send them home!

Robert is the most handsome and handy man. How many of you out there are RED GREEN SHOW fans?? Can I get a 'howdy?' Robert has been on the front lines of our old house battle trying to negotiate a peace treaty. He has thus far been unsuccessful, but can be very persuasive given time. I have all confidence that he will eventually reach some sort of pact that will satisfy both parties. In the meantime, I keep reminding him that he has BOTH of the essential qualities needed in any man as outlined by the irresistible Red Green:

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!

Robert is both HANDSOME and HANDY, which is a deadly combination. I know, I know, why am I blogging about how fab my hubby is? BECAUSE I LOVE HIM AND HE'S AWESOME, that's why. I am seeing every day how merciful and gracious God is. He sent me the perfect man to meet my needs. Robert is in no way perfect, but he is just what I need to keep moving forward, grow, and stay on track with the Lord. YAAAAAY GOD, as we used to say at Warm Beach Camp. Wow...that was a long time ago. Memories... in the corner of my mind... is that how the song goes? I'm not sure. All you oldies help me out here!

I think I'll search for some pics to put on my blog, since, as you all know, I LOOOVE pictures.

(so, I can't get the pics to load and will have to move to Bob's computer but he's destroying an army right now so I don't want to intrude - winning the battle may help him win the war and far be it from the wife to sabotage war! I refuse!)

Quote from my hubby:

"Blogging is fun. Everyone should try it sometime." - Robert while playing Battlefield 1942


Cherie said...

Still waiting for the pictures......Been busy getting ready for school, I imagine..........

Love you!


Cherie said...

So, when does Christmas vacation begin for you? Any exciting plans? Resting, relaxing, rejuvenating all qualify as exciting plans in my book - nice to unwind.

Been thinking about you a lot. How are you doing? All healed up from surgery, I imagine, feeling spunky again.

Love you, kiddo!

Cherie said...

I think you must have died.........and I am so so sad.....