Sunday, July 08, 2007


Here's my blog. Good luck understanding it!

Wow, I have not posted in forever. I mean, really forever. Sorry about that. No one reads my blog anyway, since I don't post, so I guess I'm covered.

Tons of things have happened since my last post, the most notable being I am moving to a new school & new job! It is within my current district, so it's a transfer of sorts, but along with General Music I now get to help with MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND! WAHOO! I am a band geek at heart, so I'm thrilled about that. I'll hopefully be able to let you know how it all goes in the fall.

So, summer is moving along too fast. Yup.

I didn't get the opera part I tried out for, and I'm glad. It would have been too much driving and I would not have seen my husband all summer. PLUS, my friend Mel and I would not be able to rip apart the basement like we have been! YAY for the MUTT! (heavy duty floor scraper)

I'm going to try to keep these short in order to encourage myself to write more often. Ha! We'll see how that works out.



psychobob said...

I read your post!!! See, someone reads your blog. I luv you and am so proud that you went for the new position. I am also glad you didn't get the part of Buttercup.

Danny said...

Hey, I just read your post to, so there!