The Pit

I am in the pit, looking up.
There is no light, only darkness.
I taste the salty tears.
I feel the gritty earth in my fingers.
Cold seeps into my bones and settles, never to leave.
My back presses hard against the rough wall.
My legs go numb.
My emotions flicker once, then expire.
Black - thick and oppressive.
Silence - deafening.
Heart - broken.
k. drouhard©2006

Someone's Gotta Do It
(or Clichés)
high as a kite
giddy as a school girl
popping off buttons
BLAM - back to earth
so very proud
finally followed through
took the next step
WHAM - hit the wall
do your best
work hard
never quit
SLAM - wind knocked out
k. drouhard©2006
V is for Victim
I refuse to play that role anymore.

The Victim-Girl is gone.
I will not fit that part ever again.
I cannot allow another's actions to
drastically alter my mind and mood.
Victims have no power.
Not me - I'm not a victim.
I'm strong. I'm intelligent. I'm not a child.
I do not choose to give in.
I must stand up for me.
Who else will or even wants to?
Is that you, Lord? Where have you been?
k. drouhard©2006
The Chicken Theory
My Good Friend Molly explained the
Chicken Theory to me the other day.
What?! You've not heard?

You know, the Chicken Theory!
Life is like the chicken -
You don't want it, you hate it, but you
can't get rid of it.
You keep it and stew on it for a little while.
Then, along comes the solution:
The chicken is hideous; the cabinet is glorious.
The chicken brings the cabinet - Just Like Life!
k. drouhard©2006
Is there a difference between polite and congenial?
Where is the line between polite and fake?
Can you differenciate vicious and malicious?
Is one really worse than the other?
What, praytell, is different about praying to God
And telling God what's going on with yourself?
Can one be inefficient and ineffective?
If so, which is worse? Toss up?
Where exactly does very cold become freezing?
Does 32° HAVE to be involved?
If we grow out of our clothes as kids
How do we describe losing weight - shrinking out of them?
Might irrational and irreverent be the same thing
If you put your trust in God?
Can something really be so beautiful it hurts?
Does one feel actual pain or just deep emotion?
How can a dog be smart and yet play dead?
If a dog is exceptionally smart can he play dead too well?
k. drouhard©2006

1 comment:
As I hear you laugh in the living room I smile. You are not emotionless. You are not as dark as you think you are. And that's why I love you.
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