SOME Happenings:

This all works with one of my 'new' philosophies. I picked it up somewhere... probably Dr. Laura or something... "or some-sing." Quick, name that movie - ??
Okay, philosophy: If there is something in your life that makes you nervous or scares you or you think might be, or will be, hard DO THAT THING. Start there. If you think, "oh gracious, I hope I don't have to do blah blah blah," then DO THE blah blah blah that you are afraid of. It sure makes life more interesting AND more fun.
My practice ground for this has been subbing. My teaching day ends before the other folks in my building b/c I start earlier than they do. This leads to my office manager, SUSAN THE GREAT. She sneaks in during the day and asks me to sub the last hour or so of the day for teachers who need to go places or whatever. The first time she asked me to sub she had two or three classes to choose from. I looked at the 5th grade classes and said, "Well, so&so is in that room which makes it a yucky experience.... so.... I'll take that one." She just about fell on the floor! "Really?!? You will? No one ever wants to sub in there." Chalk it up to my new committment to tackling tough head on. Makes life MUCH easier, I PROMISE. TRUELY!
Okay, this is rambling on far too long. I'll update more... whenever I get to it. Ha!
Wifey, I love you.
You are absolutely crazy and I would have it no other way. Perhaps it is why you can put up with me!
I miss you, and I am sooo looking forward to getting home.
Nice! So you're a music teacher? I play the viola and music is probably my favourite subject! :-D
Enjoyed your blog!
Viola! Amazing! I'm horrible with orchestral strings but took beginning orchestra with my fourth grade students two years ago and played - you guessed it - the viola! I love it but am not good. All other instruments are playable for me, so I guess that is some comfort. Keep up the amazing art. I love a lot of your work. NICE! Art is probably my favorite subject. How funny.
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