SO, self-medicating can be a good thing. I changed some med levels on my own and finally got around to telling my doc. He laughed. I guess I'm a fairly intelligent drug manager for myself. Prescription, people. Prescription. Read: not the illegal kind.
What else? OH! I want to live in Corvallis. REAAAAL bad. Not right now. ASAP. OH! I love our car. I even love it when we have to pay medical bills for it. Sigh. I just hope it survives. As for survival, we have a cat now. Beasley. He's... odd. I think I like him. He is bratty, which I can identify with. He's moody. Again, I identify. He likes to mess about with things that are NOT his. He also tries REALLY HARD to play the "I'm so cute please do what I want you to" card. This does not work. I teach. I am not swayed by any "trying to get you to do xyz" looks. Immune, thank you very much.
I face an interesting problem: I am NOT ready for the school year to end. I know, I know, it's months away. I know this BUT I have TONS MORE I want to teach my kids. There is NOT enough time to get it even half covered. Gr. Plus the little turds are growing on me, as they always do. Like tumors. Bizarre.

I am strangely unsettled as of late. Restless is the closest I can get to describing it. These sentences I'm writing are rather short - curt, much like my brain is functioning right now. This has been my state for a couple of months now. The need to both hermit and be in the midst of a giant mass of people is ever present. I guess I'm in a mood change. Yay for defects.
I am excited to learn more about author techniques. I'm supposed to be researching that right now but instead I'm here updating the blog. It HAS been three months, so I'm right on schedule. I think that's about all I can muster right now. Mustard right now?? Wow, I can't believe you made it to the end of this post. I'm impressed and apologetic. I would like to eat a hot dog now.
"If you're going to die throw a hand grenade." - Robert
Maybe we/you are on the verge of something. Maybe that's why you're unsettled. Kind of like how animals get nervous before an earthquake - but hopefully in a good way. Hang in there baby. I'm here for you, so use me.
Yay, glad you are back in the blogisphere world! Give me a call anytime!!
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