Sunday, April 23, 2006

LONG TIME, no Blog.

First, thanks all of you for hanging in there while I FINALLY am writing a new blog. Crazy times and the blog updating goes out the window. Appologies all around.

So, what's the big news? Well, first I broke my left foot. It's a stupid story. I was walking across the Olive Garden parking lot, triped, caught myself, and then both of my feet were kinda sore. I poked around but didn't feel much so I continued on. I walked on the foot for a week and finally my wonderful hubby made me go to the doctor. He took x-rays and there it was - the 5th metetarsal, or outside bone, was not as it should be. Yay.

I walked on it, and it's in a weird spot so we didn't need to cast it. I did get to have Robert take me shoe shopping - check that, ugly CLOG shopping. I had to live in these clogs for 2 months and I did. Whew, they stink! I finally obeyed my wonderful doctor, the incomperable Dr. John Daniels, and low and behold the foot is healed! YAY! So, I still thump around in my clogs because the bare floor now feels weird. Did anyone think they would EVER hear that from I hate shoes girl? Well, there you go - living proof that people can change.

Next medical mystery - gal stones? I may or may not have them. We shall see when I get an upper abdominal ultrasound on Friday. It should be scientific and fun, as always!

Update - I DO officially have ADHD, no surprise there, and a fairly strong case of Bipolar II. It's been an interesting and educational ride. More about that if people are interested.

So, we had a fine and dandy sermon today. Here is the main point that our crazy cool Pastor Ron was making from I Peter 3:18-22:

Christ’s Suffering and Ours

"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water. There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him."

Here is an excerpt of the emai I wrote to my wonderful Mom about it!
"We had the BEST sermon today in response to Easter. P. Ron continued on with his 1 Peter series and it happened (God of course) to fit right in with the power God and Jesus had over death. While Christ was dead spiritually he was still hanging on the cross. He then physically died before the 3:00pm break the legs ritual fulfilling prophecy. While he was in the tomb he was a busy savior. He headed down to Paradise (three levels - Abraham's bossom (paradise) where the OT saints hung out, the great gulf, and the lower level or Sheol). He celebrated with the saints of old about his conquoring sin, and then waited to celebrate again with the sinner on the cross who believed in Christ at the last minute. He then had to take the keys of death back from satan, who had been in possession of them for thousands of years. We now don't have to fear death because Christ has power over death.

Moral, or application: Some of us have sin that we just don't think we can get over and have resigned ourselves to be stuck with it. If God and Christ have the incredible power over satan and DEATH, that power is definately big enough to conquor any sin that we have, any sin at all! It was amazingly convincting and yet encouraging."

Yep, pretty encouraing and convicting. It really shows me clearly that the things I think I can't get over or get past are NOTHING compared to the power of Christ and what HE can accomplish.

Enjoy, folks!


Anonymous said...

Well done, faithful daughter!!!
Praying for you and the doctor as he determines "to gaul stones or not to gaul stones".

Cherie said...

Nice to read from you again, Karen! Wow! Broken bones, gall stones (been there, done that), and ADHD (a subject I've read quite a bit about as I have a friend with it). You don't go quietly into the night, do you! Thank God! Love your reflections on scripture, too. Didn't realize Jesus was ever 'spiritually dead,' though. I hope you'll enlighten me about that, and do keep logging about the ADHD and gall stone revue!

Much love from the long winded,
Aunt Cherie

beula the music geek said...

Thanks, ladies, for your comments. It's good to know someone cares enough to read and write back. I'll put more about medical maladies (sp?) because I find the science behind all of this fascinating. I'm a total dork, as you know. More to come...


Cherie said...

You're not a dork! You can't be, because I find science of that sort interesting, too, and I'm not a dork. ;-)

I'll keep checkin' back for an update on the Karen Saga.

Be well!


Cherie said...

"Where, oh where has our Karen gone? Oh where oh where can she be?

"Are her gall stones in, have they been plucked out?

"Oh where oh where can she be?

"Is her foot all well, or still in a clog?

"Oh where, oh where can she be?

"Does she have new meds for her lovely head?

"Oh where, oh where can she be?"

psychobob said...

I personally exhult in my own dorkdom! And Karen is a dork, 'cause it takes one to know one!
We go in for tests Friday to see what's going on. Karen will be radioactive for a while.

Cherie said...

Soooooo, she'll be a glow in the dark dork?

You guys make me smile!

Let us know what you find zany dorks!
